Tuesday, July 3, 2007


fasting is essential to great over-all health.

Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan medicine believe that the body has the
power to heal itself, and one of the ways it can heal itself is by
removing the source of many of our sickness�the accumulated pollution
in our bodies.

Dr. Michael Rosenbaum, Director of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine
Medical Society, says,

"The hidden cause of many chronic pains,
diseases and illnesses may be
invisible toxins,
heavy metals and
parasites that invade our bodies..."

an amazing number of diseases can be healed through prolonged
juice fast. Because when we fast,
our bodies go into detoxifying mode and autolysis,
or what is also called "self-digestion".
That means our bodies decompose it's own cells,
starting with the aged,
weakened, or
dead cells.

people who fasted became healthier, stronger, and happier.

after your fast, make lifelong changes in your diet and lifestyle

drinking fresh vegetables and fruit juices everyday

eating a little lesser amount of food everyday

eating less red meat and eating more fruits and vegetables

drinking more water

taking quiet walks around your neighborhood everyday

writing your journal daily

healthy, clean, and at peace.
detoxified, relaxed and attuned.
Spiritually, whole and connected.

something so simple can be so refreshing too.
take a quiet walk and
reflect on God's love...

happy easter!!

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