Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We're authentic now… cog

We're authentic now…
and sustaining,

Because we already built a "conscious community" a shared story, and consensual decision making, built upon respect for all individuals and inclusivity of difference.

We went in process of authenticity already:

We passed a Pseudo-community: Where members are chatting "nice with each other", playing-safe, and presenting what they feel is the most favourable sides of their personalities.

Then there was total Chaos: talking chatting beyond the inauthenticity of pseudo-community and feel safe enough to present our "shadow" selves. A great demand upon the facilitator for greater leadership and organization was met those stormy times, but we're not "organizations" anymore we are a community.

By that time we Empty ourselves This stage moves beyond the attempts to fix, heal and convert of the chaos stage, when all people become capable of acknowledging their own woundedness and brokenness, common to us all as human beings.

And out of this emptying comes …

Authentic community: the process of deep respect and true listening for the needs of the others. We can only described it as "success" and reflects a deep yearning in every human soul for compassionate understanding from one's fellows. "a unity of will." Which showed in our past activities and accomplishments

And we're not stagnant. We're just taking the right time to continue our small ways of helping the communities of culion.

So our aim is in our hands now an authentic and true community

Our primary focus now is the development of our members towards leadership and aim beyond doubts the - needs, strengths, goals, visions etc. for the communities amidst the complexities of our situations and life in general.

My point is we're not that stagnant.
No big deal if nobody is posting anymore
they're just busy thinking their way of life's sharings :)
We already committed ourselves and we will continue even when we feel idle.
We're just taking time. No worries .. we are sustaining…
Health awareness was an accomplishment and it'll remain in their hearts
The papers and pens and foods had long time effect in the lives of those students as long as they live. Tangay is our forefathers and we just do them some respect and homage by the bancas and funds or even educations even `binabarat sila' in our small 5th grade town way of living. so in the end it's not a waste of time. It will remain forever.. walang nagmamayabang dito just depending our own consistency.
And the beauty of it is nobody is forcing anybody here. We have our own responsible freedoms and true rational as member respecting each and everyone even at times we clash our opinions and ideas. We can't block the flows of interactive all have their fair shares. No one dictates it's just paradox of life and meets our own crossroads in a way balancing our senses and reach out for truth and goodness of all.

Time for organizing. (again)

Let's begin a serious discussion about how organizing can be integrated into…
add more strategies

- planning
- increase group sufficiency
- recruiting leaders
- connect more committed members across networks
- fusing of discipline.
- broadening time horizon. patience
- continued experiment with and evaluate effectiveness
- listen more actively in determining our true goals, objectives and investments.
- funds - strengthening funding infrastructure.
- visioning and agenda setting (we have lots of them I think)

Example is the library
What is the relevant?
How to find the funds for the shelves?
But first we need to motivate people there… why will they need a library… who will handle it? Personally for me I really want more on internet library as what the news shared by sr. josie. but we really need the local leaders on it… so what to do? :)
Maybe we'll analyze now. I heard smart has offer internet there now. so Library and e-net. But funds. We need more fund raisings . What about local gov't . maybe they can share some of their `moderate greed'… by waking them up or begging. Oopps


The power of example... doing our own small special ways.

Let's trace the dynamic relationship between participation and leadership of our past activities.

So as an authentic cog maybe we really need group leaders to distribute the tasks and work it out in our own small special ways…

Main concern now……….

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