Sunday, August 5, 2007

fullness of life... the Paschal mystery

THE basic belief that

“every leader and
every organization,
big or small,
must have a clear idea of what they ultimately want to accomplish,
and of the specific ways to achieve the declared goals.”
Every leader must publicly commit to and aggressively pursue
“a clear vision, mission and core values.” Moreover,
“leading by example is the best, if not the only,
way to accomplish the vision/mission.”

In short, visionary leadership by example is the best success formula.

Fullness of life.

Every leader—whether of the family,
the community,
the church or
the country—must declare a vision that answers basic questions, like: “What is my ultimate goal?
How am I going to achieve it?
Who will help me in my journey?” AND
“It is treason to lead without a vision.
Without a vision, the leader betrays God and the people.”

“fullness of life” as the “diwa, the heart, the spirit” of the vision...
love of God and love of fellow humans. No vision can be attained
unless the leader exemplifies love and selflessness
as core values.

Paschal mystery.

More than forgiveness of sin, fullness of life refers to the
“development of the human person.”
Just as redemption implies freedom from sin,
“development means deliverance from anything that enslaves.”
To enable people to enjoy fullness of life,
the leader must envision how to liberate them from
(1) ignorance,
(2) poverty,
(3) sickness,
(4) selfishness,
(5) unjust values (like ako muna, or worse, ako lamang), &
(6) sin.

In turn,
the people must be willing to undergo to this so called the
“paschal mystery.”

Leaders must demonstrate by their personal example that the vision can be attained through sacrifice and
“the only way to overcome suffering
that leads to growth is to experience the suffering …
it is the roughness of the grindstone that sharpens the blade of the sword; it is the storm that hardens the oak tree;
and it is work that develops the muscles.”

Aside from human experience, there's the Bible teaching
“…unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest (I John 12:24). For the seed or the grain to produce new shoot and fruit, it has to fall to the ground, to die and germinate new life, and give the promise of new fruit….
Sacrifice and discipline provide the passage to better, freer new life and character.”

However, in the secular field of political governance,
would our people be willing to undergo the paschal mystery of no-cross-no-glory, considering that, many times in the past, they have been manipulated to do just that without any positive results?

Even more important, is the President sufficiently trusted by our people for them to suffer now to be able to reach the promised fullness of life some day?

In short, the bottom line is credibility.

Will our people believe and follow our government leaders when they invoke the paschal mystery?

Can our leaders show by their personal example the core values
(like “discipline, integrity, self-control, the banishment of greed”) necessary to lead our people to sacrifice today to be able to enjoy fullness of life tomorrow?

Or will the people dismiss this well-intentioned vision as one more gimmick to beguile and fool them again.....

by c rosales


so what is our vision/mission?
our core values?

our Pashcal mystery of no-cross-no-glory.....


can anybody help us on tangay project/s and proposals....?

i will post it soon...

but in summary: it's like this....

the vision

Vision:- living the life of “Tangay*” (fullness of life)
Building a regulative and ennobling Tangay communities in preserving their unique identity.

Calamian Tagbanua

An Indigenous tribe (Tagbanua brothers)
poor & destitute :
:- Community-based conservation program for seafaring Tagbanua tribes identified as one of the important areas for biodiversity...

:- Preservations of their tribes, cultural heritage & community including the environments...

:- DATA gathering: Film & video documentaries plus write-ups as to understand them more practically or deeply...

:- Education (scholars?) and livelihood programs...
like giving them banca. (how much a banca?)

:- Experiencing & participation in their culture & traditions in the form of eco-tourism...

cause i'm going to present this proposals
in our filipino community here in kuwait
and they are willing to give us the support
they need enlightenment
how are we going to lead this community by examples...
living a fullness of life? :)


hello karen and ethan and all...
what do yo think??? give us more insights please...


let's interact!

also on the medical programs of ate cynth and rachelle...
sickness and health...

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